Monday, April 12, 2010

Do it properly or not at all

As we know in the hobby of ornamental fish in the aquarium or pond is a form of pleasure that can make our hearts and minds entertained, this is already done for hundreds of years ago. Thus, the methods and technology that accompanies it is definitely more advanced and diverse.

Often times the amount of our desire to be trying to create artificial under water ecosystem makes us do wrong, assuming that the fish or other aquatic organisms only need water either freshwater or seawater. Many events that occur when we do not yet understand about an ecosystem that is required of ornamental fish or other aquatic organisms, such as a new pet fish we buy from ornamental fish shop was suddenly in a state of stress or fear, so just hide under a rock or behind a plant or even float with the movement of the mouth opening to close very quickly, then we decided to replace the water with fresh fish that goal back, but what happens even to make the fish die.

Conditions like this are often times we do not realize is directly damage the aquatic environment, freshwater or marine waters, meaning the ornamental fish or aquatic organisms that we buy at merchant as much as 30% water 90% of freshwater and marine waters is the catch rather than breeding. So with lots of fish or organisms in the water we buy is not treated well and eventually died of natural means a mark on the wane.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Aquarium care for you to enjoy its beauty


At this time every so often we encounter a tank or pond water or fresh water well on the Mall, Restaurants, Hospital, Waiting Room, or a residential house.
And aquarium or pond is functioning not only as an empty room decoration but as a therapy for mental health and based on research to reduce stress levels up to 90% original technique or method must be a minimum of maintenance we understand.


Trends in the ornamental fish freshwater or sea water is now running in line with developments in technology and information covering the ecosystem supporting equipment, Supplement, chemicals that help the process of water purification, ornamental fish food itself or another organism as a unique and worthy of display.
Ecosystem Center Surabaya We provide solutions for ornamental fish hobbyist practitioner or sea water or fresh with a natural approach to apply the method and supported by high technology.